5-LB Katie's Vegan Soils-Super Soil / Living Soil Concentrate
5-LB Katie's Vegan Soils-Super Soil / Living Soil Concentrate
Katie’s Vegan Soil Concentrate can be used as an amendment that goes into your initial potting soil mix using the Living Soil or Super Soil methods. It also can be used as a compost tea or a top dress. And finally it is an amazing probiotic and nutritional ingredients to make a powerful, yet gentle, home-made potting soil!
Quality ingredients such as Hemp Seed Hearts, Pumpkin Seed Meal, Neem Seed Meal, Coconut Water Powder, Alfalfa, Kelp and other organic nutrients and minerals. The soil is teeming with beneficial micro- organisms and fungi designed to help develop a healthy roots system as well as feed and protect your plants. These microorganisms form a symbiotic relationship with the roots to provide the roots with the nutrients they require in a form that is readily available to the roots.
Vegan Super Soil/Living Soil